Saturday, 28 September 2013

The date that went sour ~ Lunchbox

Considering I am not getting paid to write this, I am going to speak my mind. Well, I never decided to watch this movie, because I did not expect much from a movie called the ‘Lunch Box. But with the critical acclaim and the rare reviews it got and people salivating over it, I and my friend decided to give this movie a shot.
To begin with, it’s a bloody slow movie. So if you are sleep deprived, messed in life, bored or not anywhere close to extremely happy, don’t go for it.  You may just get tempted to stab yourself in the midst of it. The irony is, that it’s nowhere in the box, its way too out of the box.
The movie however does convey a couple of things that may not be too significant in your life or motivate you in anyway. The critics who called this movie ‘optimistic ‘, kindly go check out the meaning, there is no tinge of positivity in the movie. In my opinion, it could be the most sought after movie for jail inmates, the ideal torture plan. Make them watch it over and over again and that should suffice for them to succumb. You say I am being ‘vociferous’, well then go watch the movie and you shall know.
Throughout the movie I had one expression ‘Question mark ‘. Some aspects highlighted it even more like the ones below:-
  •  That 0.01% probability of the Mumbai dabbawallas faltering was all because of this movie. They are simply not going to like it
  • Always wondered who sang those Pandarpur songs in the train. Got to know it was these dabbawallas
  • Before killing herself, a woman ensures she removes all her ornaments, so it’s preserved for the next generation. At least the movie portrays so
  •  Bananas are the main source of lunch for majority of population in Mumbai as it is cheap, filling and acts as a good laxative
  • Orient fans are the best source of entertainment for coma patients. It gives them a reason to stay in coma
  •  Vegetables can be passed across from the top floor to the bottom floor by pulley mechanism including adult diapers
  • Some people do use their suitcases as vegetable chopping tools when they travelling in trains, so that they save on time when they have to go home and cook
  • Bhutan is the happiest country. Although their GDP sucks , they have high GNH i.e Gross National happiness
  • Cooler in Matunga ,is still the most happening place for old couples and you get the best kheema pav there

Sounds absurd? That’s exactly how the movie is! It conveys one line consistently ‘The wrong train may also take you to the right destination ‘. There is no denying the statement, but definitely put up in a very morose fashion igniting a more negative thought.
To give the movie some credit, the acting is phenomenal without doubt. Imran Khan as usual has done a commendable job with that nonchalant look and great timing of words. Nawazzudin Sidique as ‘Irrfan Khans ‘ assistant brought some glimmer of hope in the movie with some good comic skill and Bharati Acrekars voice as Mrs Deshpande was the bonus point for the desolate sounding movie.
So watch it if you must for the actors who have done their job with finesse and not because you generally expect entertainment – then you are bound to be disappointed.

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